NEXT STEPS: Career Planning with Simple Steps

Session Full
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The Next Steps workshops are a series of career development workshops that offer women returning to work an opportunity to outline their next career plans. Being ready for your next career move means preparing for your life. In the workshops, you will learn about what motivates you to return to work and the obstacles leading to hesitation. We will talk about how to prioritize your work and life, and how to find the right work style for you. We also invite Dr. Cecile Hyewon Bhang to discuss what is career decision anxiety and how we can manage it. You will begin to frame a career goal to build and sustain momentum after this meeting.

The 90-minute workshop will meet weekly on Mondays at 8 PM (PST) for 3 weeks (Jan 18 - Feb 1, 2021). There will be an office hour(optional) on Feb 6. Join the Next Steps and find the important destinations in your future. Simple Steps will support you to finish the journey.


Week 1. Career decision Making (1/18) led by Bokyung Kim

  • Analyze your personal difficulties in the career decision-making process

  • Discover what you want to earn from your future career

Week 2. Manage your career decision anxiety (1/25) led by Cecile Bhang

  • Understand what is career decision anxiety

  • How can I manage?

Week 3. Develop your career action plans (2/1) led by Bokyung Kim

  • Define your career goal and next career move

  • Develop and execute strong action plans

Office Hour (2/6)

  • Bring your questions!

>> Find more information here


Bokyung Kim

Dr. Bokyung Kim is a program director of Simple Steps. Her current works are developing self/career development programs, supporting job-seekers, and nurturing the environment where females can pursue their careers sustainably. She received her B.A. and M.A. in Psychology from Korea University and a Ph.D. degree in Psychology from Stanford University.

Cecile Hyewon Bhang

Dr. Cecile Hyewon Bhang is a 1.5 generation Korean American Counseling Psychologist currently working as an assistant professor in the Department of Counseling at Sonoma State University. She received her Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology from Loyola University Chicago and has received extensive training on issues related to multicultural humility, social justice and racial/ethnic minority and immigrant individuals. She has worked with diverse children, youth and their families in both community mental health and private practice settings with emphasis on providing culturally sensitive mental health services including bilingual counseling in Korean and English. Dr. Bhang’s current clinical and research interest involve resilience in ethnic/racial minority and immigrant individuals, feminist and multicultural approaches and career counseling.


  1. Space is limited and filled on a first-come-first-based. Registration closes on Jan 17th.

  2. The program will be delivered in Korean without translation.

  3. A $20 deposit is required to join this group. If you have perfect attendance and complete all your assignments, we will provide a full refund. If you miss a session, the deposit will be donated to Simple Steps.

  4. This workshop is part of our Mental Health Promotion for Korean Women program, which is funded by KACF-SF.