Portfolio Presentation


Simple Steps Resume Bootcamp offers an opportunity to learn resume writing tips, write or update a resume, and identify key skills needed to develop to be more successful in job search.

The 90-minute boot camp will meet weekly on Tuesday at 8 PM (PST) for 3 weeks (Nov 10 - 24, 2020). Simple Steps provides additional 1:1 feedback sessions for those who complete all the assignments. Join this boot camp and revamp your resume for your next job application!

Space is limited. Sign up early to secure your spot.

Program Overview

Meetings: This boot camp is very participatory. Spontaneous discussion is strongly encouraged and valued. Participants need to attend all the live weekly meetings and are required to be on the camera.

Homework: Participants need to complete all the homework to receive 1:1 feedback at the end of the boot camp.


Week 1. Resume Writing 101 (11/10)

  • A special Q&A with Stella Cho, a recruiting researcher at Netflix

  • Why do we need a resume?

  • STAR method - creating impactful descriptions 

  • Recommended resume format

  • How to explain employment gaps?

  • Group exercise: articulate desired job positions

Week 2. Make Your Resume Stand Out (11/17)

  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

  • Tailoring your resume

  • Group exercise: review profile summary, STAR method

Week 3. Keep Upgrading Your Resume and Candidacy (11/24)

  • Build your skills and experiences to improve your candidacy

  • Group exercise: complete resume review, identify gaps and develop a plan, update LinkedIn profile


Doyeon Kim
Doyeon Kim is a founder and executive director of Simple Steps. She worked in several nonprofit organizations, including the UN Global Compact Foundation. Before pivoting her career to the nonprofit sector, Doyeon worked in the tech industry. She received her B.S. and M.S. from KAIST and her MPA from Harvard Kennedy School.

Bokyung Kim, Ph.D.
Dr. Bokyung Kim is a program director of Simple Steps. Her current works are developing self/career development programs, supporting job-seekers, and nurturing the environment where females can pursue their careers sustainably. She received her B.A. and M.A. in Psychology from Korea University and a Ph.D. degree in Psychology from Stanford University.

Kat Choi
Kat Choi is a program director of Simple Steps. She has 10+ years of experiences in diverse work environments including multi-functional art gallery, customer relations, architectural design, blog, and social startup. She has reviewed and interviewed over 100 applicants as an executive assistant for a design consulting firm. She has a B.A. in Art History and Architecture from University of Toronto.