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I Got a Job Offer, What's Next? by Keeyong Han


You've worked hard to update your resume, prepare to ace the interview, and now received a job offer. What's next? Do you accept or negotiate? What can you use as leverage for fair compensation?

According to studies, women are much less likely than men to negotiate their salaries, which compounds gender-based earnings differentials throughout their careers. Negotiating salary and compensation are a highly emotional topic for many candidates as it can significantly affect their lifestyles. As a result, it drives many candidates' decisions and is an essential part of the recruiting process. 

Please join us on March 10th, 2021, at 7 PM (PST) / 10 PM (EST) to hear directly from the hiring manager on what to expect when the offer is on the table with Keeyong Han, the Head of Data at Harmonize and a member of the Board of Directors at Simple Steps. 

This webinar is presented in Korean without translation.

Keeyong has been working for various companies in Silicon Valley since 2000 and is an expert in the data domain. Most recently he was the head of Data at Udemy (the biggest online learning platform). Prior to joining Udemy, he was the Data/Search team manager at Polyvore (acquired by Yahoo in 2015) and a director of engineering at Yahoo Web search team. He started his professional career from Samsung Electronics in Korea before moving to Silicon Valley. Keeyong graduated from Seoul National University with MS and BS in Computer Engineering.


2021 Webinar Sponsors

March 3

Simple Hour: Mar 3, 2021 @ 1 PM (PST)

March 13

Mother’s Resume