![[Coffee Chat] Plan an awesome new year!](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5f02d42e34555b3ad142dd15/1701883271771-GNX5PUMBRZS70GJERPMG/2022+%E1%84%8B%E1%85%B5%E1%84%87%E1%85%A6%E1%86%AB%E1%84%90%E1%85%B3+%E1%84%90%E1%85%A6%E1%86%B7%E1%84%91%E1%85%B3%E1%86%AF%E1%84%85%E1%85%B5%E1%86%BA+SQ.png)
[Coffee Chat] Plan an awesome new year!
As we approach the joyous holiday season, we extend our warmest wishes to you! It's a wonderful time to not only celebrate but also to reflect on the year gone by and look forward to making the next one even better.
In our upcoming coffee chat, we invite you to join us in exploring ways to plan an extraordinary New Year. We'll provide prompts to help you set inspiring goals, identify new opportunities, and foster personal and professional growth.
Let's come together to not just welcome the New Year but to actively shape it, creating room for fresh opportunities and embracing the potential for meaningful growth. Your journey to an awesome New Year starts here – we can't wait to share this exciting coffee chat with you!
![[Offline Event] Simple Steps in New Jersey](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5f02d42e34555b3ad142dd15/1695729676032-CKADYO6E0ZO6OGYVUR8Q/SS+in+NJ+2023+SQ.png)
[Offline Event] Simple Steps in New Jersey
Calling everyone in New Jersey and New York and beyond! For the first time, Simple Steps is hosting an offline event at Bergen Community College, New Jersey, on Saturday, November 4th. We will meet with new and familiar women based in New Jersey and share how the Simple Steps community has started and grown over the past six years. We will introduce our programs and events to support immigrant women in restarting their careers in the US and creating sustainable career pathways in their desired fields. Also, you will network with many fabulous Korean women in all different life and career stages. We will invite special guests, so stay tuned.
Please join us to get energized and, most importantly, have fun together. Bring your friends and colleagues who want to be part of our journey to empower immigrant women to pursue their career aspirations. Don’t miss out on this once-in-a-while offline event!
Introducing Simple Steps: who we are, what we do and why
Mini fireside chat
Small group networking
![[Simple Hour] Welcome to Simple Steps](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5f02d42e34555b3ad142dd15/1695736668524-YRTMHS66UTEDQIOO8V8W/Simple+Hour+Template.png)
[Simple Hour] Welcome to Simple Steps
최근 심플스텝스를 알게 되어 커뮤니티에 가입하신 분들이 많이 계셔서 오랜만에 심플 아워를 준비했습니다. 심플스텝스가 어떻게 여러분들의 건강한 커리어 성장에 도움이 될 수 있는지, 심플스텝스 커뮤니티에는 어떤 사람들이 모여 있고 함께 어떤 활동을 하는지 이야기 나눌 예정입니다. 편안하게 오셔서 새로운 분들도 만나시고 심플스텝스에 대해 궁금하신 점도 물어보세요. 사전 등록 없이 시간에 맞춰 아래 버튼을 눌러 Zoom link로 들어오시면 됩니다.

Writers and Authors 2023 글쓰기 챌린지
심플스텝스의 Writers and Authors 그룹에서 하반기 글쓰기 모임을 시작합니다. 하반기 모임은 좀더 활기차고 좀더 알차게 진행될 예정이에요. $20의 참가비가 있는 유료 프로그램입니다.
✔ 주2회 글쓰기 챌린지
10월 3일부터 12월 14일까지 10주 간 총 20회의 글쓰기를 합니다 (Thanksgiving 주간 제외)
매주 화/목 오전 9:00 PT, 12:00 ET에 줌으로 글쓰기 모임을 합니다
챌린지에 참여하는 분들은 화/목요일 줌 미팅에 참여하거나, 불참시 슬랙에 글쓰기 인증을 남깁니다
참여율을 높이기 위해 첫 2주(10월 3, 5, 10, 12) 인증은 필수로 체크합니다. 인증 실패시 챌린지에서 제외되며, 참가비는 심플스텝스로 기부됩니다.
지난 시즌 완주자는 무료 참여 기회를 드립니다
✔ Kickoff Meeting
10월 3일 오전 9:00 PT, 12:00 ET 킥오프 미팅에서는 글쓰기 챌린지 운영에 대한 안내와 각자 10주 동안의 글쓰기 목표를 나눕니다
못 오시는 분들을 위해 글쓰기 챌린지에 대한 오리엔테이션은 녹화본이 제공됩니다
✔ 글쓰기 방법 토론회
11월 16일 오전 9:00 PT, 12:00 ET
글쓰기 목표의 중간 정산을 함께하며 남은 기간의 글쓰기 계획을 정비합니다
<강원국의 글쓰기>를 읽고 글쓰기에 대한 고민을 나누며 나에게 맞는 방법을 함께 찾아갑니다. 책을 미리 준비해 주세요.
신청을 완료하시면 Writers and Authors 슬랙 채널로 초대해 드립니다. 질문은 bokyung.kim@simplestepscc.org 로 보내주세요.
![[Coffee Chat] Self-Management 3사분기 회고 모임](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5f02d42e34555b3ad142dd15/1694629724064-X4JKQX29WTT8O1IE80CF/2022+%E1%84%8B%E1%85%B5%E1%84%87%E1%85%A6%E1%86%AB%E1%84%90%E1%85%B3+%E1%84%90%E1%85%A6%E1%86%B7%E1%84%91%E1%85%B3%E1%86%AF%E1%84%85%E1%85%B5%E1%86%BA+SQ+%282%29.png)
[Coffee Chat] Self-Management 3사분기 회고 모임
Do you ever feel like you are always busy and constantly doing something but don't see yourself focused and organized? You might need to set a dedicated time to organize and plan your time. We invite you to our quarterly planning session with Simple Steps. We will talk about our goals and share thoughts. Please click the link below to join the session!

LinkedIn Workshop - Build Your LinkedIn Profile
The LinkedIn Workshop is an online workshop for creating, revising, and polishing their LinkedIn profile. Participants will learn how to create a strong LinkedIn profile and how to use LinkedIn as a primary tool for job searching and networking.
This workshop is for those who do not have a LinkedIn profile yet or have an almost empty profile and want to learn basic LinkedIn features. We will go over how to set up a LinkedIn profile, key features for networking, and build a personal brand on LinkedIn.
The 90-minute workshop will meet on Tuesday, Sep 12th, at 12:00 PM (PT).
Dr. Bokyung Kim is a program director of Simple Steps. Her current works are developing self/career development programs, supporting job-seekers, and nurturing the environment where females can pursue their careers sustainably. She received her B.A. and M.A. in Psychology from Korea University and a Ph.D. degree in Psychology from Stanford University.

Full Stack Web Programming 2기
프로그래밍 교육 브랜드 멋쟁이사자처럼과 심플스텝스가 파트너십을 맺고 진행하는 full stack web programming 프로그램 2기를 시작합니다. 작년에 진행된 1기 프로그램에서 많은 분들이 적극적으로 참여해주신 덕에 올해에도 다시 프로그램일 진행할 수 있게 되었습니다. 1기 프로그램 후기는 여기에서 읽어보세요.
이번 2기 프로그램에서는 한층 업그레이드 된 플랫롬에서 양질의 커리큘럼과 전문강사님들의 강의로 새롭게 만들어졌습니다. HTML과 간단한 Javascript 지식만 있으시다면 업무 경험이 없어도 참여할 수 있는 한국어 강의입니다.
동영상강의: 총 45시간 분량(주 4시간, 3개월) + 알파(각자 공부시간)
포맷: 온디맨드 온라인 강의 수강(정해진 시간 없이 각자 편한 시간에 들을 수 있습니다)
내용: 프론트엔드(HTML, CSS, JS) + 백엔드(Python, Django) + 백엔드 실습
>> 상세 커리큘럼
교육 기간: 3개월 (9월 중순-12월 중순) + 프로젝트 및 데모데이 (12월-1월)
정기모임: 매주 1회 온라인 스터디 (미 서부시간, 수요일 저녁 7시-9시)
** 매주 수요일 스터디 참여는 필수사항 입니다. **
Slack에서 프로그램 참가 동료들과 소통
수강료: 무료
프로그램이 종료되면 프로그램 참가자분들에게 교육을 통해 배운 점과 느낀 점에 대해 후기를 요청드릴 예정입니다. 모두 후기를 작성해주시기를 미리 말씀드립니다.
미 서부시간으로 8월 23일(수) - 9월2일(토) 자정까지 신청해주세요. (신청 상황에 따라 조기 마감될 수 있습니다)
신청 마감 후 서류 심사를 거친 후 9월 둘째 주에 선발 결과를 공지할 예정입니다. 기초 과정 web programming을 공부해 보고 싶었던 분들에게 좋은 기회이니 이번 기회에 꼭 도전하세요! 궁금한 점은 이메일 info@simplestepscc.org로 문의하시기 바랍니다.
많은 관심과 참여 바랍니다. 감사합니다.
![[Coffee Chat] Self-Management 2사분기 회고 모임](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5f02d42e34555b3ad142dd15/1686174814022-HE0QZMG2LFU8QS5FAM0Y/2022+%E1%84%8B%E1%85%B5%E1%84%87%E1%85%A6%E1%86%AB%E1%84%90%E1%85%B3+%E1%84%90%E1%85%A6%E1%86%B7%E1%84%91%E1%85%B3%E1%86%AF%E1%84%85%E1%85%B5%E1%86%BA+SQ+%281%29+%281%29.png)
[Coffee Chat] Self-Management 2사분기 회고 모임
Do you ever feel like you are always busy and constantly doing something but don't see yourself focused and organized? You might need to set a dedicated time to organize and plan your time. We invite you to our quarterly planning session with Simple Steps. We will talk about our goals and share thoughts. Please click the link below to join the session!
![[Special] 심플스텝스 6주년 행사](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5f02d42e34555b3ad142dd15/1696362644785-VA5UHVYNB7TRVGB3X3U0/6th_anniversary_thumbnail.jpg)
[Special] 심플스텝스 6주년 행사
심플스텝스의 지난 6년 동안의 여정을 함께 해주신 모든 분들께 감사드리며 5월20일 오전 10시 - 오후 1시, 팔로알토에서 6주년 행사를 준비했습니다. 반가운 분들 많이 뵐 수 있기를 바랍니다.
자세한 내용은 6주년 행사 페이지를 참고해주시고 아래 버튼을 눌러 행사에 등록해주세요. 티켓은 $30 입니다.
10:00 am - Opening
10:10 am - Keynote
10:50 am - Panels
11:50 am - Break
12:00 pm - Small Group Networking
12:50 pm - Raffle Drawing & Closing
![[SPECIAL] The Choices We Make: 6th Anniversary Event](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5f02d42e34555b3ad142dd15/1682972450346-IQZH5BJ8LFI6E98F0NLF/6th+Anniversary+Event+%281000+%C3%97+1000+px%29+%285%29.png)
[SPECIAL] The Choices We Make: 6th Anniversary Event
Simple Steps is turning 6! Join us on Saturday, May 20th at 10 am to celebrate our 6th anniversary at Sobrato Center for Nonprofits, Palo Alto. This year, we are celebrating your choices: life, career, family, personal, and everything else. Listen to the career pivot story from our keynote speaker, Jimin Kang, VP of Engineering at Salesforce, and our dedicated panelists, Narae Kwon, Hyejin Kang, and Seungyeon Lee, as they share their choices and valuable gains from their choices. Join us to connect with like-minded women and take the first step toward building the journey of your dreams. Buy your tickets now!
10:00 am - Opening
10:10 am - Keynote
10:50 am - Panels
11:50 am - Break
12:00 pm - Small Group Networking
12:50 pm - Raffle Drawing & Closing
![[Coffee Chat] 취미가 어디까지 갈 수 있을까?](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5f02d42e34555b3ad142dd15/1683053944718-WCYGGISRABHJ2MK9RWDU/2022+%E1%84%8B%E1%85%B5%E1%84%87%E1%85%A6%E1%86%AB%E1%84%90%E1%85%B3+%E1%84%90%E1%85%A6%E1%86%B7%E1%84%91%E1%85%B3%E1%86%AF%E1%84%85%E1%85%B5%E1%86%BA+SQ+%281%29+%281%29.png)
[Coffee Chat] 취미가 어디까지 갈 수 있을까?
성우 님은 세계 최고 케냐 선수들의 훈련 캠프와 마을에서 직접 함께 살면서 배운 이론 및 실전 경험, 그리고 9년 이상 달려오면서 겪은 시행착오들을 바탕으로 '행복하게 달리는 법'을 깨달았다고 해요. 현재는 <마인드풀러닝 스쿨>을 통해 속도, 거리, 기록을 쫓는 경쟁 중심의 달리기가 아닌 마인드풀러닝, 내가 행복하기 위한 달리기를 이어갈 수 있도록 돕고 있습니다. 심플스텝스 커피챗에서는 성우 님이 달리기를 하며 얻은 점들과 콘텐츠 크리에이터, 달리기 코치 등의 새로운 커리어가 되기까지의 여정을 이야기합니다. 취미가 어디까지 갈 수 있을지, 같이 한번 달려볼까요?
Speaker :
청소년기에 미국 유학을 와서 디킨슨대에서 물리학을 전공한 후 스탠퍼드대에 진학해 환경공학으로 석사학위를 받았습니다. 소위 세상이 말하는 전도유망한 길이 나의 길이 아니라는 것을 깨닫고 방황했지만 달리기를 통해 서서히 우울증과 절망에서 벗어나 삶의 방향을 새롭게 되찾았습니다. 속도와 기록에 집착하며 '이기기 위해' 달리다 부상과 번아웃을 겪고 나의 행복을 위해 달리는 마인드풀러닝을 통해 다시 달릴 수 있게 되었습니다. 2020년 마인드풀러닝 스쿨을 시작하여 누구나 즐겁게 달릴 수 있도록 도와주는 수업을 열고 있고, 한국체대, 샌프란시스코대, 트레바리, 룰루레몬 등에서 강의를 하였습니다.
![[Coffee Chat] 커리어 어드바이저 커피챗 시리즈 - 노은지](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5f02d42e34555b3ad142dd15/1681510947449-1Q7KPC8H1FTVG4WBCP59/2023+%E1%84%8B%E1%85%B5%E1%84%87%E1%85%A6%E1%86%AB%E1%84%90%E1%85%B3+%E1%84%90%E1%85%A6%E1%86%B7%E1%84%91%E1%85%B3%E1%86%AF%E1%84%85%E1%85%B5%E1%86%BA+SQ.png)
[Coffee Chat] 커리어 어드바이저 커피챗 시리즈 - 노은지
심플스텝스의 1:1 Consultation 프로그램에 커리어 어드바이저로 참여하고 계신 노은지 님과의 커피챗을 준비했어요. 커피챗에서는 아래와 같은 내용을 이야기 나눌 예정입니다.
영어를 더 잘하기 위해서 어떻게 연습했는지
리더쉽과 매니저랑 어떻게 더 잘 지낼 수 있는지
승진과 Performance Review 에 대한 Individual Contributor와 Manager의 입장
Data 분야 커리어
큰회사 V.S. 작은 회사의 장단점 - 그리고 그 장단점을 어떻게 활용했는지
은지님과 나눈 이야기 맛보기 읽어보시고 더 자세한 이야기는 커피챗에서 나눠요. 가볍게 서로 이야기 나누는 자리로 준비했으니 편한 마음으로 참여해주세요!
"한국에서 대학이랑 대학원을 다닐때 저는 제가 영어를 되게 잘하는줄 알았는데, 막상 미국 와보니까 정말 다른 레벨의 영어더라고요.."
"제가 분석한걸 공유했는데 피드백이 "All over the place" & "무슨 말을 하는지 모르겠다"
"저는 원래 성격이 내성적이어서 잘 떠는 사람이였는데..."
![[Coffee Chat] 출판사 없이, 내 책을 팔 수 있을까?](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5f02d42e34555b3ad142dd15/1678219303578-DMAGN7JEPKWT9SA40V2J/1+%281%29.png)
[Coffee Chat] 출판사 없이, 내 책을 팔 수 있을까?
출판사 없이, 그것도 해외에서 내 책을 출간하는 것이 가능할까요?
Upfly의 대표이자 <My First Trip to Korea>의 작가 유연실 님과 함께 출판사 없이 내 책을 만들고, 아마존에서 판매하기까지의 과정을 생생하게 나눕니다.
한국이 아닌 해외에서 출판을 결심한 이유와 내 책을 내놓을 시장 조사 방법, 그리고 최소한의 투자금으로 책을 출판하기 위해 필요한 것들을 요목조목 살펴볼 예정이에요.
![[Coffee Chat] Self-Management 1사분기 회고 모임](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5f02d42e34555b3ad142dd15/1678222432399-GPXV5XGPWDV1W7J1UR09/2022+%E1%84%8B%E1%85%B5%E1%84%87%E1%85%A6%E1%86%AB%E1%84%90%E1%85%B3+%E1%84%90%E1%85%A6%E1%86%B7%E1%84%91%E1%85%B3%E1%86%AF%E1%84%85%E1%85%B5%E1%86%BA+SQ+%281%29.png)
[Coffee Chat] Self-Management 1사분기 회고 모임
Do you ever feel like you are always busy and constantly doing something but don't see yourself focused and organized? You might need to set a dedicated time to organize and plan your time. We invite you to our quarterly planning session with Simple Steps. We will talk about our goals and share thoughts. Please click the link below to join the session!
![[Simple Hour] 세계 여성의 날 특집: 우리가 사랑한 여성들](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5f02d42e34555b3ad142dd15/1678254045195-H3MHTGYWPA3SNVWXOSIK/434C58C7-2439-402B-A5B0-B02117255DAF.png)
[Simple Hour] 세계 여성의 날 특집: 우리가 사랑한 여성들
세계 여성의 날 특집 심플아워: 우리가 사랑한 여성들!
어떤 이야기라도 좋습니다. 역사 속 실제 인물은 물론, 내 주변 여성들, 허구의 인물이라도 괜찮아요. 오늘 읽은 책이나 어제 본 드라마, 혹은 꼬꼬마 시절 열광했던 만화, 다 상관 없습니다.
세계 여성의 날을 맞이하여 내가 사랑한 여자들은 누구고, 나는 왜 그 여자들을 사랑하게 되었는지 함께 모여 도란도란 얘기해 보아요. (싫어한 여자들 이야기는 덤이라죠! )
No registration is required. Please join Zoom by pressing the button below.
Meeting ID: 898 4178 9187
Passcode: Womensday
![[Coffee Chat] Layoffs - Let's Talk About it!](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5f02d42e34555b3ad142dd15/1675557804447-BG92JEKU043QI1MNIWYN/Coffee+Chat_Feb+10_SQ.png)
[Coffee Chat] Layoffs - Let's Talk About it!
심플스텝스 스태프 강은지 님과 MarqVision Director of People Operations 김선애 님이 Layoff에 대한 주제로 진행하는 라이브 세션입니다. 이번 Coffee Chat에서는 여러가지 주제를 다루고, 질문도 받고, 함께 이야기하고, 응원하고, 서로 공감해주는 시간으로 만들려고 합니다.
한국과 미국 Layoff 비슷한 점과 다른 점
미국에서 Layoff 는 보통 어떤 식으로 결정되는지
아직 Layoff 되지는 않았지만, 미리 알아둘 것이나 준비할 것이 있는지
Layoff 되었는데 멘탈 관리는 어떻게 하는지, 이 시기를 어떻게 지내야 되는지
보통 사람들은 Layoff를 어떤 관점에서 보는지
안전한 직장이란?
Personal Development Planning 2023
Start a new year with Simple Steps!
Join our new year's resolution party with Bokyung Kim, our program director. We will explore where you are and where you want to go, and then build your personal development plans for 2023. Participants will share their personal development plans and discuss how to achieve each of them. With Simple Steps’ Personal Planning Kit, you can start 2023 with more confidence!
This workshop will be presented in Korean without translation.
Bokyung is a Program Director at Simple Steps where she leads various programs to empower immigrant women She is a founder of Studio B Parenting, creating content for parents and providing workshops, lectures, and 1:1 consultations based on Neuroscience. She received her B.A. and M.A. in Psychology from Korea University and a Ph.D. degree in Psychology from Stanford University.
![[Coffee Chat] Career AMA with Keeyong Han](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5f02d42e34555b3ad142dd15/1671079614410-NU2U4YW73J4XUDSH3WGP/2022+%E1%84%8B%E1%85%B5%E1%84%87%E1%85%A6%E1%86%AB%E1%84%90%E1%85%B3+%E1%84%90%E1%85%A6%E1%86%B7%E1%84%91%E1%85%B3%E1%86%AF%E1%84%85%E1%85%B5%E1%86%BA+SQ+%288%29.png)
[Coffee Chat] Career AMA with Keeyong Han
심플스텝스 보드멤버 한기용 님이 진행하시는 온라인 라이브 세션입니다.
커리어와 구직 과정에 관해 궁금하신 모든 것을 직접 물어보실 수 있는 라이브 Q&A 시간입니다.
활발한 논의를 위해서 등록 폼에 사전 질문을 하실 수 있도록 준비했습니다.
2022년 심플스텝스 마지막 커피챗입니다.
Keeyong Han has been working for various companies in Silicon Valley since 2000 and is an expert in the data domain. He is the CTO of Grepp USA. Prior to Grepp, Keeyong was the head of Data at Udemy (the biggest online learning platform), the Data/Search team manager at Polyvore (acquired by Yahoo in 2015), and a director of engineering at Yahoo Web search team. He started his professional career at Samsung Electronics in Korea before moving to Silicon Valley. Keeyong graduated from Seoul National University with MS and BS in Computer Engineering.

End-of-the-Year Journaling Challenge
With the fast approach of the year’s end, you may want to take moments to reflect upon your accomplishments and fond memories of the year or think about the big emotions and challenges you had this year.
Journaling is a simple yet powerful practice that can help bring your life into a focal point of attention. Simple Steps invites you to journal your reflections for what has been, what is, and what is to come. This is a virtual journaling group via Slack. We will provide 4 writing prompts every week. You will be able to think about what you learned, things you are grateful for, and the path ahead.
Bokyung is a Program Director at Simple Steps where she leads various programs to empower immigrant women She is a founder of Studio B Parenting, creating content for parents and providing workshops, lectures, and 1:1 consultations based on Neuroscience. She received her B.A. and M.A. in Psychology from Korea University and a Ph.D. degree in Psychology from Stanford University.
![[Webinar] Level Up Your Resume](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5f02d42e34555b3ad142dd15/1668455279867-V12DSZ6MS5JCZNKSDVO1/2022RingleResumeWebinar_sq.png)
[Webinar] Level Up Your Resume
심플스텝스 파트너사 Ringle과 함께 특별 웨비나를 준비했습니다.
Ringle 글로벌 사업 개발 및 B2B 총괄 이경훈 님이 한층 보강된 영문 레주메를 쓰는 방법을 상세하게 알려드립니다.
1,000+ 영문 레주메를 리뷰한 ex-BCG 컨설턴트 출신 연사의 노하우 공유
실제 레주메 예시를 통해 미국 hiring manager가 눈여겨 보는 do's and don'ts
웨비나 참석자 중, 추첨을 통해 다양한 혜택을 드립니다.
3명: 레주메 첨삭 세션 (이경훈 님과 1:1로 1시간 진행)
3명: 영어 job 인터뷰 prep 세션 (이경훈 님과 1:1로 1시간)
2명: 링글 틴즈 3회 무료 수업권 및 Let's Write Together 세션 참여권
2022년 심플스텝스 연말 펀드레이징 캠페인을 Ringle과의 특별 웨비나로 시작합니다. 많은 관심과 참여 부탁드립니다!
Speakers : 이경훈
현, Ringle 글로벌 사업개발 / B2B 총괄
BCG 서울 / 두바이 / 보스턴 오피스 팀장 역임 (7년)
미국 CVS Health 선임 이사 (5년)
고려대학교 경영학과 / MIT MBA 졸업

Accounting and Budgeting for Nonprofits
This workshop is the first of its kind. We have prepared to introduce you to the basic and essential accounting and budgeting concepts for those planning or starting a nonprofit organization. You will find out how accounting for nonprofits differs and what are important aspects to consider when budgeting for nonprofits. We plan to do this session interactively so that you can practice hands-on during the workshop.
Accounting for Nonprofits
Popular Accounting Tools for Small Nonprofits
Budgeting Methods
Hands-On: Practice with Templates
Doyeon Kim is the founder and executive director of Simple Steps, a 501c3 organization for women’s career advancement. After pivoting her career from tech to the social sector, she has worked in grantmaking and grantee organizations, including UN Global Compact Foundation. She brings her cross-industry experiences in technology, business, and nonprofits to leverage multidisciplinary skills in launching and scaling impact initiatives. Doyeon is the 2019 How I Built This Fellow.
Heygene Sung, CPA, is a Corporate Tax Manager at RSM. Before joining RSM, she started her first career in the United States at PwC. Immigration to the U.S. became a turning point for her career. In Korea, she worked as an Executive Assistant to the President at Texas Instruments and to CEO&VP at Ssangyong Motor Company. Heygene received a Master's degree in Professional Accountancy from the University of California, Irvine, and a Bachelor's degree in Business Administration from Ewha Woman’s University.
[Coffee Chat] Stay Strong with Simple Steps
End-of-Year is approaching. Are you ready?
We are fast approaching the end of the year! But we still have an entire month to achieve a big goal, like a "4-week workout challenge." Simple Steps challenges you to join our 4-week workout challenge, our end-of-the-year fundraising campaign in 2022. We know it isn't easy to tie your shoes and exercise daily. In this Coffee Chat, we will motivate you to complete the challenge by talking about
Neuroscience and psychology findings about benefits from walking in nature by Bokyung Kim
How I started marathon ("저 같은 사람도 할 수 있어요!") by Doyeon Kim
<Stay Strong with Simple Steps> challenge overview
See you soon!
Doyeon Kim is the founder and executive director of Simple Steps, a 501c3 organization for women’s career advancement. After pivoting her career from tech to the social sector, she has worked in grantmaking and grantee organizations, including UN Global Compact Foundation. She brings her cross-industry experiences in technology, business, and nonprofits to leverage multidisciplinary skills in launching and scaling impact initiatives. Doyeon is the 2019 How I Built This Fellow.
Dr. Bokyung Kim is a program director of Simple Steps. Her current works are developing self/career development programs, supporting job-seekers, and nurturing the environment where females can pursue their careers sustainably. She received her B.A. and M.A. in Psychology from Korea University and a Ph.D. degree in Psychology from Stanford University.

Resume Workshop
This Resume Workshop is an online program that guides participants to understand a resume's basic format, structure, and dos and don'ts to create a compelling resume. By the end of this workshop, participants will know how to build a general resume. This workshop is for people who have not updated a resume for years or want to learn basic skills to create a resume from scratch. Our goal is to help you get equipped with an essential skill to build your resume as needed.
You can apply for our full 1:1 Resume Consultation if you want to receive tailored and in-depth feedback on your resume after the workshop.
Instructor: Doyeon Kim
Doyeon is the founder and executive director of Simple Steps, a 501c3 organization for women’s career advancement. She has worked in the social sector for over a decade in grantmaking and grantee organizations, including UN Global Compact Foundation. She brings her cross-industry experiences in technology, business, and nonprofits to leverage multidisciplinary skills in launching and scaling impact initiatives. Doyeon started her career in the tech industry and pivoted into the nonprofit sector to pursue her passion for social entrepreneurship. She is the 2019 How I Built This Fellow.

Rabbit Plane Pilot Program
About the Rabbit Plane Pilot Program
Culture Flipper’s full-scale localization process is well recognized for significantly reducing the review step on the client side through its multi-step collaborative process. The unique workflow goes beyond translators and actively engages writers, domain experts, and copy editors.
With the decision to teach people outside the organization about its own collaborative localization process, Culture Flipper embarks on an exciting experiment to produce affordable, quality-assured translations for high-volume, nuanced content. This is how Rabbit Plane was born.
Rabbit Plane is a guided community translation training platform where translators (mentees) learn to effectively edit machine translations for nuanced content such as web novels, digital comics, and video subtitles under the guidance of mentors.
Its first-course “Korean-to-English Web Novel Translation” using Memorize by Ro Yu-jin (from Joara, Korea’s oldest and largest web novel platform), is scheduled to begin on Tuesday, November 1, 2022, and end on Tuesday, December 20, 2022.
Pilot program period
November 1 - December 20, 2022
Anyone interested in translating Korean web novels into English
Number of selected applicants
10-20 (2 groups with 5-10 persons per group)
Program fee
$300 for an 8-week course (fully refundable upon completion of the course as a promotion for this 8-week pilot phase only)
Application period
October 4 - October 25, 2022
Participant selection process
Resume screening → a written test → evaluation → selection
Time commitment
6+ hours/week
Program goals and benefits
Mentees receive expert guidance from skilled mentors in the industry and participate in the web novel localization community; upon completion of each translation training course, a certificate specifying the participant’s translation level is awarded.
Program format (on-demand vs. live or hybrid)
Combination of live and on-demand classes with weekly homework evaluations
Email: rabbitplane@cultureflipper.com or Call/Text: 301.200.2590.
![[Coffee Chat] Interview Tips](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5f02d42e34555b3ad142dd15/1666590459907-TD3FCN36XNDECCVQ1UYM/interviewtipscoffeechat20221026.png)
[Coffee Chat] Interview Tips
Simple Steps prepared a coffee chat with career advisors who are leading the 1:1 consulting program. For those who are preparing for an interview, we plan to share interview tips in various fields. If you have any questions or need something for the interview you are currently preparing for, please come to Coffee Chat and ask questions. Based on the experience of conducting many interviews as an interviewer, a team of career advisors is in full force. Bring your questions for interview preparation.
Heygene Sung, CPA, Corporate Tax Manager at RSM
Jade Lee, Business Strategy at Chegg
Sangpil Han, Associate Professor at Arizona State University
Doyeon Kim, Executive Director at Simple Steps
Kat Choi, Head of Community at Simple Steps
Bokyung Kim, Program Director at Simple Steps
![[Coffee Chat] Importance of a UX/UI Designer as a Startup Member](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5f02d42e34555b3ad142dd15/1665852182311-3IBBJEJ9E3EYFE1988U1/Oct+25_coffee+chat_square.png)
[Coffee Chat] Importance of a UX/UI Designer as a Startup Member
UX/UI design becomes more important in startup projects to understand users and communicate with them. Kevin Kim, CEO of NextLearning.ai, is going to talk about what the UI/UX designer’s role is and why it is important from a startup perspective. You will learn about the role of UI/UX designers in a startup project and what the benefits are for them to join the startup team.
We will discuss how to collaborate with product, sales & marketing, and engineering teams and prioritize user requirements to support business goals.
Kevin Kim is a co-founder of nextlearning.ai, which provides an instant on-demand tutoring service to Gen Z students. He is also a president of BAKG Mobility Group, which studies mobility industry trends, technologies, and business opportunities with industry professionals. He received her B.S. in Electronic Engineering from HanYang University and his M.S. in Software Management from Carnegie Mellon University.
![[Webinar] It Takes a Village: Collaborative Translation](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5f02d42e34555b3ad142dd15/1665526258376-7KEK2MJ8501SO8VIUOHO/2022+%E1%84%8B%E1%85%B5%E1%84%87%E1%85%A6%E1%86%AB%E1%84%90%E1%85%B3+%E1%84%90%E1%85%A6%E1%86%B7%E1%84%91%E1%85%B3%E1%86%AF%E1%84%85%E1%85%B5%E1%86%BA+SQ+%285%29.png)
[Webinar] It Takes a Village: Collaborative Translation
Dissatisfied with the text you’ve translated? Struggling to bridge the gap between the source and target phrases? Working with other writers and subject-matter experts can take you to the next level. There are reasons why you should consider this type of collaboration, where the source text is carefully deconstructed and, using collaborative processes, reconstructed into a masterfully crafted, targeted message. Nuanced content, such as web novels, benefits from collaborative translation, and Rabbit Plane will be discussed as an ideal platform to make it all happen. Guest speakers from Joara and Culture Flipper’s Editorial Team will share their insight on the very first class offered through Rabbit Plane. Participants will get an overview of the collaborative approach to translation, explore ways to find collaborators, learn to decode contextual frameworks, and implement quality assurance measures. Through Rabbit Plane, they can hone their translation skills under the guidance of an industry expert.
Sophia Lee leads Culture Flipper, a localization expert group that inspires target audiences with text that resonates with them. Before Culture Flipper, her experiences in the language industry span 15 years in various fields such as translation, interpretation, marketing, public relations, and IT localization. Her translation work into Korean includes Gene L. Yang’s graphic novel "American Born Chinese" (2006) and Lewis Carroll’s "Sylvie and Bruno" (1893). She has pioneered an unconventional translation process that centers around collaborative writing in crafting culture-specific and brand-aligned messages. Fueled by her vision and passion for the humanities, Sophia empowers her team to flip conventions with agility and contextual relevance.
Anthony Um
With a passion for helping Korean writers reach audiences around the world, Anthony leads the US and global operations of Joara, a major market leader in the Korean web novel fiction industry. Joara has been a pioneer in bringing together writers and readers through its story-sharing platform, and with Anthony at the helm, it is now looking to reach out to global audiences.
Liz Yoon is a results-driven Korean-American bilingual professional with more than 15 years of experience in writing, translating, teaching, project management, program implementation, and business analysis. She is a proactive problem solver with a keen eye for detail and strong interpersonal skills. With her extensive experience working and living abroad, Liz thrives in diverse, multicultural settings.

The Next Steps workshops are a series of career development workshops that offer women returning to work an opportunity to outline their next career plans. Being ready for your next career move means preparing for your life. In the workshops, you will learn about what motivates you to return to work and the obstacles leading to hesitation. We will talk about how to prioritize your work and life, and how to find the right work style for you. You will begin to frame a career goal to build and sustain momentum after this meeting.
Week 1. Career Decision Difficulties (10/13)
Week 2. Develop Your Career Action Plans (10/20)
Join the Next Steps and find the important destinations in your future. Simple Steps will support you to finish the journey.
Dr. Bokyung Kim is a program director of Simple Steps. Her current works are developing self/career development programs, supporting job-seekers, and nurturing the environment where females can pursue their careers sustainably. She received her B.A. and M.A. in Psychology from Korea University and a Ph.D. degree in Psychology from Stanford University.
![[Coffee Chat] How to become a salesforce certified administrator](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5f02d42e34555b3ad142dd15/1664855717937-RV7TFH84OMZY8PINXLS2/Jimin+Kang_square.png)
[Coffee Chat] How to become a salesforce certified administrator
Salesforce is a global company that makes cloud-based software designed to help businesses (the #1 CRM company worldwide). It has over 150,000 customers globally and projects to create 4.2 million jobs in the salesforce ecosystem by 2024. As a result, there is a big demand for Salesforce jobs such as Salesforce administrators, Salesforce developers, Salesforce architects, etc. According to Salesforce Trailhead, Salesforce skills are the 3rd most in-demand technical skill, and this year alone, it has created 500k new jobs. A Salesforce career is a great option if you are interested in a technical career but intimidated by programming languages. All the learning material is available for free by Salesforce, and there are tons of Salesforce communities who are willing to help you to succeed. In this coffee chat, Jimin will talk about what are Salesforce skills, how to skill them up, and how to reboot your technical career with Salesforce.
Speaker: Jimin Kang
Jimin is the Vice President, Engineering at Salesforce. She started her second career in technology in her early 30s after studying computer science. She has been with Salesforce, the #1 CRM company in the world, for the past 17 years. Jimin joined the company as an engineer and later moved on to management. Since she is an immigrant and a woman, Jimin is passionate about helping other immigrants and women succeed in the technology sector. Since she has seen how Salesforce has changed many people's lives, Jimin introduces Salesforce skills and shares the career possibilities they can bring whenever there is a chance. Outside work, you can find her hiking outdoors and listen to a good book.
![[Webinar] How to Form a 501c3 Nonprofit](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5f02d42e34555b3ad142dd15/1663785078404-4Y8VSTPWG4V5D0YJ9GRF/2022+%E1%84%8B%E1%85%B5%E1%84%87%E1%85%A6%E1%86%AB%E1%84%90%E1%85%B3+%E1%84%90%E1%85%A6%E1%86%B7%E1%84%91%E1%85%B3%E1%86%AF%E1%84%85%E1%85%B5%E1%86%BA+SQ+%284%29.png)
[Webinar] How to Form a 501c3 Nonprofit
Have you ever thought of starting a nonprofit? Or do you have a passion for public or social causes and plan to realize your dream someday? What are the barriers to taking action?
Among many aspects of starting a nonprofit, we will focus on the definition of nonprofits, 501c3 incorporation process, benefits and responsibilities of a 501c3 organization, and what to prepare before filing. Below are topics we will cover at the webinar.
Nonprofits vs. for-profits
Types of nonprofits
Incorporation process of forming a 501c3 organization
Benefits and responsibilities of a 501c3 organization
To-do list before filing a 501c3 application
We will plan workshops on board formation, grant research and writing, budgeting and revenue generation, fundraising strategies, and team building. Stay tuned!
Speaker: Doyeon Kim
Doyeon is the founder and executive director of Simple Steps, a 501c3 organization for women’s career advancement and community engagement platform. She has worked in the social sector for over a decade in grantmaking and grantee organizations, including UN Global Compact Foundation. She brings her cross-industry experiences in technology, business, and nonprofits to leverage multidisciplinary skills in launching and scaling social impact initiatives. Doyeon started her career in the tech industry and pivoted into the social sector to pursue her passion for solving social issues with collective efforts. She is a How I Built 2019 Fellow.