Resume Workshop
Simple Steps Resume Workshop is an online program that guides participants to understand, build and tailor resumes. By the end of this workshop, participants will know how to build a general resume and understand how to tailor it. This workshop is for people who have already figured out what they would like to do. We will not write resumes FOR people or review people’s full resumes in advance before the appointed 15 minutes 1:1 session at the end of the workshop that comes with the course. Please apply for our full 1:1 Resume Consultation if you are in a hurry.
강연자 소개: Jee Kang
Jee Kang is the Talent Development Manager at Simple Steps. She has worked in the recruiting team for four years for the Houston Super Bowl, WalkMe, and Quizlet hiring for all levels of software engineering, product, user operations, and business roles. During her time at Quizlet, she reviewed over 300 resumes per day and interviewed candidates on a daily basis. She is dedicating her time to volunteering at Simple Steps to help immigrant women like herself achieve their career goals. She holds a B.A. in Psychology and Sports Management from Rice University.
Personal Development Planning with Simple Steps
2022년을 심플스텝스와 함께 시작하세요! 현재의 내 모습을 바라보고 올해의 목표를 세우는 Personal Development Planning Workshop이 다시 돌아왔습니다.
What is Personal Development Planning?
3 Steps of Personal Development Planning
Missions, Goals, and Plan
그리고 참가자들끼리 올해 계획에 대해 아이디어를 나누는 그룹 토론 시간으로 구성됩니다. Personal Development Tracking 템플릿이 PDF 파일과 구글 스프레드시트 두 가지 버전으로 제공됩니다.
강연자 소개: 김보경 프로그램 디렉터
Bokyung is a Program Director at Simple Steps where she leads various programs to empower immigrant women. She is a founder of Studio B Parenting, creating content for parents and providing workshops, lectures, and 1:1 consultations based on Neuroscience. She received her B.A. and M.A. in Psychology from Korea University and a Ph.D. degree in Psychology from Stanford University.
나를 위한 멘탈 스파
2021년이 며칠 남지 않았어요. 모두 연말에 멋진 계획이 있으신가요?
심플스텝스에서 한 해를 따스하게 마무리할 수 있는 "나를 위한 멘탈 스파"를 준비했습니다. 올해를 함께 돌아보며 지친 마음 근육은 풀어주고, 탱글탱글 마음의 탄력은 높여주는 시간이 될 거예요. 올한해 수고한 내 자신을 위한 선물같은 시간!
재미있고도 힐링되는 액티비티를 많이 준비했으니 꼭 함께 해요! 아래와 같은 내용으로 진행됩니다.
2021년을 마무리하며 마음 근육 힐링하기
2022년을 위한 멘탈 스파 키트 만들기
심스 멤버들과 행복 동맹 맺기
강연자 소개: 김보경 프로그램 디렉터
Bokyung is a Program Director at Simple Steps where she leads various programs to empower immigrant women She is a founder of Studio B Parenting, creating content for parents and providing workshops, lectures, and 1:1 consultations based on Neuroscience. She received her B.A. and M.A. in Psychology from Korea University and a Ph.D. degree in Psychology from Stanford University.
이 프로그램은 심플스텝스의 Mental Health Promotion for Korean Women program으로 KACF-SF의 지원을 받아 운영됩니다.